About me

I am a versatile,resilient and passionate student who wears multiple hats in the tech, web3 and media industry. I create engaging and educational videos that teach computer science topics to students, using fun and pop music to make learning enjoyable and accessible. I have grown my instagram educational platform to 100,000+ followers, and received positive feedback from my audience. In addition, I'm an avid learner and explorer of the emerging field of web3, where I see immense potential and opportunities. I have successfully founded a non-profit for women in crypto while in high school, where I educated and empowered over 600 women about web3 and benefits they offer. My goal is to build a protocol that would be of immense value in web3 and share my journey and insights with others. I'm motivated by my curiousity, passion and desire to make a positive impact in the world.

Projects I'm currently working on

Conducted a Crypto Portfolio Tracker for displaying a user's cryptocurrency holdings and their total value and implemented user authentication for personalized portfolios.
Skills Gained: React.js for user interface, Node.js and Express to handle user authentication,fetch balance data and interact with the database, Coinbase API to get real-time prices and PostgreSQL to store user data and portfolio details.

Created Umanitoba Courses, a simple website where students can find course reviews and experiences all in one place.
Skills Gained: JavaScript for frontend and python for backend with Django and React.

Created a platform where users can donate to charitable causes using cryptocurrencies , with transparency on fund allocation.
Skills Gained: Utilized the use of solidity and foundry for smart contract development, Javascript for interacting with Ethereum blockchain, SQL for database management.

My Experience


Software Engineering Fellow

Built a personal website using HTML,CSS and JS.
Built 5 AI Projects using python.
Final project to get 1000 people on waitlist,1000 accounts created, or $1000 in revenue generated.

Growth and Marketing Analyst intern

Reported feedbacks and insights to my team based on student feedback.
Regularly recruit campus social groups and peers to use swsh.
Engage swsh's positive reputation by acting as a brand advocate.


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